An offer we couldn’t refuse

20131228-120739.jpgWe woke up for the last time at Villa Naomi and after breakfast, we packed up and prepared checking out. We were a bit confused about the EUR-SLR conversion rate Google presented and realized that the rate we had mentally used up until now for SEK-SLR were off by 33%, so everything have been significantly cheaper that we thought. Nice surprise!

We took the bus to Matara, which were larger than the other cities we’d visited before but managed to have fewer points of interest. After some brief sightseeing and enjoying a steady lunch at Galle Oriental Bakery we felt we’ve had enough of Matar and took a tuk-tuk to Talalla Retreat.
This was definitely an improvement from Villa Naomi. Organically grown food, Yoga-classes and surf lessons and a really nice room with a porch. We “only” got ground floor meaning we missed the slightly voyeuristic option of no walls to the bedroom. The bathroom was partly outside roof though, really nice setup. As we were getting settled a friend, Avi, texted me that we apparently were on the same beach as him and his family and he offered beers in exchange for our company. Who was I to refuse such an offer?

One beer quickly became several ones and we ended up having dinner at their place, aptly named hotel Panorama with amazingly nice view. After many laughs, beers and solving a few of the world’s major problems we went with one of the hotel staff in his private tuk-tuk back home since it had turned pitch black outside. I just had to try the shower before falling asleep though – very nice to shower under a starry sky.