My slacking is killing me

20120304-110323.jpgI wake up already at 7 and figure it’s time to set this watergate straight. With the help from the reception I get hold of someone at our previous hotel and they indeed have the charger and will keep it safe until we get back there – good news and I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

I wake up Mona and we try the breakfast, nice with sea view – having your omelette made for you always goes down well with me. After breakfast it’s time for serious slacking and swimming. After some re-blogging, and re-playing Civ it’s time for lunch at the beach. From there it’s slacking a bit before heading back to our room for siesta. I wake Mona up just in time for some drinks in the sunset. Life is pretty good.


For dinner we take a Taxi to Sakura (only Japanese by name), great food – fish curry was really nice but we need to remember that one curry is more than enough for two people. We ended up only eating about half. Nice and cheap place, and perhaps worthy of the top restaurant according to tripadvisor but not so close where our hotel was. The taxi driver happily offered to wait during our dinner for free – that’s how you know you’re paying well. In the end, the price of the taxi ride ended up being twice the price of the food, and the taximeter and my gps-app agreed so no foul play involved.
