Another day at the beach, with new friends and also new playthings this time. Juni seems to charm the locals as well as other tourists – sometimes the competition isn’t on their top of the game to be fair but still nice.

We also documented some of he local wildlife, it seems the house just behind our spot on the beach is used as a temporary storage for wildlife that the locals wish animal rescue to deal with. This primarily is snakes they feel uncomfortable dealing with themselves so a crew goes out and picks up the animals and store them in the house and at the end of the day collects all animals from the house that are healthy and release them into the wild. So that they can get back into peoples houses the next week, it’s a very natural circle process.

We tried lunch at some random place called Simple on Galle road where we both went for some tasty Kottu with egg and vegetables. Hefty portions, although not quite as good as memory served us, we will need to keep explore this dish. Mona pointed out that given I’m often behind the camera I seldom appear on the photos – so this was remedied by a photo of yours truly well fed.

After the lunch we headed back for some slacking back at the Villa. I worked with some of the photos while Juni and Mona relaxed outside.

After a well-deserved rest from the days endeavors we decided we really ought to eat one more time today so went for dinner at Harbour, Kalle and Gunnel joined us for beers there. I was tempted to order “Jack Denials” as one of the spirits was labelled in the menu but won’t say if I actually did. Mona tried on recommendation from our landlords the Schnitzel – and was happy but would go for the properly breaded one next time. I’ve taken the plunge and started to read the anticipated second book in the Salvation Sequence Triology by one of my favorite authors Peter F. Hamilton – Salvation Lost, this is very likely to reduce the frequency of blogging updates but it’s vacation after all 🙂
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