Extending the Stay

shapeimage_2-14When looking at different options of heading towards Delhi we decided that we’d rather have another day here in Odayam and head early Friday morning towards Ernakulam than leaving at 15 and spending (wasting?) a night in Ernakulam.

We had to move to another hotel though since First Place was out of rooms. After some shopping around we settled for Kattil, just two houses down the road and haggled the price to 1100Rs – in other words we got it slightly cheaper and it was a better room.

The day in general was spent much like the others, however I realized that I hadn’t used my swimming trunks (only shorts) yet so I tried those – guess who got his thighs burned properly in preparation for a long day of travel? When we got back from the beach I also found my earplugs had been considered a feast for ants – I decided to sacrifice them there and then.