I woke up around 10, by having a smiling Mona looking at me. I hadn’t heard any alarms and felt not that bad, which is a true sign of that worse things are to come. No time for breakfast since we needed to find our way back to Sean and Janine’s place for lunch at 11-12. Packing up our stuff went amazingly smooth so I was not surprised when I got to the reception and was told that we actually didn’t have to change room since she had managed to swap beds somehow.
After only a few minor hiccups finding the way we got to Sean and Janine. And Sean’s folks who also was visiting, we had not heard them last night – they had however heard us. It turned out to be a great lunch, some three-four hours later and probably more wine bottles consumed we said our goodbyes and promised to keep in touch. With plenty of traveling tips, a temporarily chased away hungover and a full stomach we decided to do some casual shopping. Mona’s shoes had taken some heavy damage during the tubing session and had now dissolved into something only vaguely reminding of proper footwear.
No luck with the shopping, and the hungover got back with a vengeance, so much for sacrificing a couple of glasses of red to worship the old lord of hungovers. The rest of the day was spent in general disorder and it was a very weak ninja who ate some dinner at 21 before getting tucked in and kissed good night by a not so hungover girlfriend.
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